eakin Cohesive® Seals
Make every day a good day with an eakin Cohesive® seal, the #1 ostomy seal used in the USA.1
GET STARTEDRoutinely Reassuring.
99% of ostomates said eakin Cohesive® seals were an essential part of their stoma care routine.2
eakin Cohesive® seals help to prevent leaks from occurring.
They are absorbent, moldable and skin friendly.

Choose eakin Cohesive® seals today for more peace of mind and confidence, so that you can get on with your life.
REQUEST A FREE SAMPLEOstomy telehealth services from me+™
About the me+™ Ostomy Patient Support Program
The me+™ program offers you the right support so you feel stronger, more confident and ready for what’s ahead. The ostomy products and support you need, tips and advice for living with an ostomy, and a community you can learn from. Have questions about living with an ostomy? Our me+ product specialist and ostomy nurses are waiting to help you.
Enroll in me+me+ Answers
me+™ Answers provides Tips, resources, solutions and more from other people living with an ostomy and ostomy nurses.
Explore articles, blogs and ostomate stories across topics like diet, relationships, activity, travel and recovery.
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Track your ostomy journey with the My Ostomy Journey App from Convatec.
With this easy-to-use app, you will be able to conveniently track ostomy-related activities without the hassle of keeping up with traditional paper check lists or diaries in the weeks and months following ostomy surgery.
Download Now