As the winter season approaches, individuals with stomas face unique challenges in managing them and ensuring comfort during colder weather. Combining low temperatures, dry indoor heating, and bulky winter clothing can cause stoma care to be more challenging. However, with the right strategies and precautions, you can maintain good stoma health and enjoy the season to the fullest. In this blog post, we'll provide valuable tips for managing your stoma in winter.
Protect Your Stoma from Cold Air
Extreme cold can be harsh on your stoma. Consider wearing a stoma cover or wrap to protect it from frigid air. These specially designed accessories provide an extra layer of warmth and help prevent the stoma from becoming too cold, which can lead to discomfort. Layering is essential during winter but can make accessing and caring for your stoma more challenging. Opt for loose-fitting, easily removable layers to simplify stoma care. Wear clothing that provides easy access to your pouching system while keeping you warm.
Keep Pouch Adhesives Warm
Cold temperatures can affect the adhesiveness of your pouching system. Warm the pouch between your hands before applying it to your skin to prevent adhesive failure. Avoid direct exposure to heat sources like heaters or radiators, as excessive heat can also impact adhesives.
Watch Your Diet
Winter often changes dietary habits, making heavier and warmer foods more appealing. Be mindful of your diet to avoid potential digestive issues. Cold weather can lead to dry skin, including the skin around your stoma. Staying well-hydrated helps maintain skin moisture, so be sure to drink lots of water. Consider using a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the dry indoor air. Continue to consume a balanced diet and stay hydrated to promote regular and predictable output.
Carry Supplies
When going out in winter, pack extra stoma supplies. Cold weather can slow down transit time in your digestive system, which may lead to increased output. Having spare pouches and accessories on hand will help you manage unexpected situations.
Consult Your Stoma Care Nurse
If you experience any issues or concerns related to your stoma during the winter months, don't hesitate to contact your stoma care nurse or healthcare provider. They can provide personalized guidance and solutions to address specific challenges.
Managing a stoma during the winter months may require a few adjustments to your routine, but with the proper precautions and attention to stoma care, you can enjoy the season with confidence. Stay warm, stay hydrated, and remember that your stoma should not limit your enjoyment of winter activities. At our Ostomy Center of Excellence, our primary goal is to facilitate a seamless transition for individuals with ostomies. Our dedicated ostomy specialists are well-versed in the most up-to-date ostomy products, effective stoma management techniques, and the intricacies of insurance reimbursements and coverage. If you require educational support or post-surgery assistance, please do not hesitate to contact The Ostomy Center of Excellence at 1-800-308-9445. We're here to assist you every step of the way.
1. “Stoma Care - Including Stoma Assessment & Cleaning.” Bladder & Bowel Community. Accessed September 28, 2023. https://www.bladderandbowel.org/bowel/stoma/.
2. “Ostomy Securement & Fluctuating Weather - Hy-Tape International, Inc..” Hy, October 12, 2018. https://hytape.com/latest-news/ostomy-securement-fluctuating-weather/?v=920f83e594a1
3. “Eating with an Ostomy - United Ostomy Associations of America.” United Ostomy Associations of America, February 2022. https://www.ostomy.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Eating_with_an_Ostomy_2022-02.pdf.
4. “Hot, Cold, and Stoma – How Weather Affects an Ostomy: Ostomy Guide.” Ostomy Guide | Ostomy Resources, Tips, and Product Reviews, November 16, 2010. https://www.ostomyguide.com/hot-cold-and-stoma-how-weather-affects-an-ostomy/.
5. “Stoma Complications.” Bladder & Bowel Community, August 1, 2021 (Updated September 14, 2022). https://www.bladderandbowel.org/bowel/stoma/stoma-complications/